Climatic Heterotopias as Spaces of Inclusion
Lazaros Mavromatidis
- Wiley-ISTE
- 29 Octobre 2020
- 9781119779315
This book explores, discusses and considers spatial research and its relevant pedagogic perspectives on the crossings, interactions and transformations of contemporary territorialities. The book addresses the issue of conceiving "translocal" spaces of inclusion within the framework of contemporary imposed nomadism and climate change. The concept of "climatic heterotopias" is an original, elegant concept, introduced into the pedagogy of architecture to develop teaching which aims to bring together the architectural substance and this real social need that aims to mitigate the spatial effects of climate change. Climatic Heterotopias as Spaces of Inclusion promotes the use of spatial theory and philosophy as the tools to build a strong architectural concept. The purpose of the individual contributions in the book is to introspectively explain the original concept of "climatic heterotopias". An overview is given of an innovative, penetrating pedagogic praxis intended to enhance intuition by transforming the architectural design studio into an interface where research is incorporated into everyday architectural conceptual practice, through interaction and openness. This book is a dynamic and implicit dialogue between the tutor and the learners which shapes, little by little, an alternative spatial narrative throughout architectural theory and design.
Thresholds in Architectural Education
Nur Caglar, Irene G. Curulli, Isil Ruhi Sipahioglu, Lazaros Mavromatidis
- Wiley-ISTE
- 17 Juillet 2020
- 9781119751410
The book explores, discusses, and considers new and innovative perspectives on the crossings, interactions, and transformations of non-formal, informal learning, and formal learning within or prior to FADS and Internship. The contributions provide a wider perspective on the alternating Final Architectural Design Studios and Internship programs as interfaces and interaction zones among different learning experiences that lead to professional and intellectual qualification.