Vladimir Popov
4 produits trouvés
De la terreur rouge à l'état mafieux : les services secrets du Kremlin à la conquête du monde
Yuri Felshtinsky, Vladimir Popov
- Éditions du Cerf
- Politique
- 31 Août 2023
- 9782204161961
Voici la chronique secrète du pouvoir occulte des agents qui, de Lénine à Poutine, en passant par Staline, révèle la face cachée du Kremlin et d'un siècle d'alliance entre la terreur et le crime.
Quel est le lien secret entre Lénine, Staline, Poutine ? Entre l'ancienne nomenklatura et la nouvelle oligarchie ? Entre les massacres passés des opposants par les bolcheviks et les assassinats actuels des dissidents par les siloviki ? Entre l'écrasement des pays de l'Est hier et la destruction de l'Ukraine aujourd'hui ?
Ce lien, c'est celui qui unit sur un siècle la Tchéka, le Guépéou, le NKVD, le GRU, le KGB, le FSB, les organes de la terreur qui ont été au coeur de l'essor de l'URSS et qui ont conquis tous les pouvoirs en Russie après sa chute.
C'est l'histoire souterraine de cette lutte pour la conquête du monde que dévoile ce livre renversant de révélations. Il raconte le pacte originel entre les agents et les mafieux, leurs rivalités avec les politiques, leur victoire finale sur les idéologues, leur domination complète sur l'État, transformé en outil kleptomane, répressif et belliciste. Des empoisonnements au Kremlin aux machinations de la guerre froide et aux bombardements de la Tchétchénie, des bourreaux du Goulag aux tankistes de Prague et aux manipulateurs du Cyber, des guébistes de Dzerjinski, Iejov, Beria, Andropov aux Wagner de Prigojine, voici, épisode après épisode, acteur après acteur, toutes les clés de cette ascension qui éclaire la face cachée de l'actualité et démonte les mécanismes d'un troisième conflit mondial.
Un décryptage indispensable. Une fresque monumentale et vivante. Un thriller tragiquement vrai. -
Morphology of Electrochemically and Chemically Deposited Metals
Konstantin I. Popov, Stojan S. Djokic'', Nebojs?A D. Nikolic'', Vladimir D. Jovic''
- Springer
- 24 Mars 2016
- 9783319260730
This book describes the newest achievements in the area of electrochemically and chemically deposited metals and alloys. In particular, the book is devoted to the surface morphology of deposited metals and alloys. It contains an in-depth analysis of the influence of the parameters of electrodeposition or chemical deposition of metals and alloys, which will likely lead to technological advances in industrial settings world-wide.
Professionals in electrometallurgical and electroplating plants will find the book indispensable. This book will also be useful in the automotive, aerospace, electronics, energy device and biomedical industries. In academia, researchers in electrodeposition at both undergraduate and graduate levels will find this book a very valuable resource for their courses and projects.
Theory of Heavy-Fermion Compounds
Vladimir A. Stephanovich, Miron Ya. Amusia, Konstantin G. Popov, Vasily R. Shaginyan
- Springer
- 25 Octobre 2014
- 9783319108254
This book explains modern and interesting physics in heavy-fermion (HF) compounds to graduate students and researchers in condensed matter physics. It presents a theory of heavy-fermion (HF) compounds such as HF metals, quantum spin liquids, quasicrystals and two-dimensional Fermi systems. The basic low-temperature properties and the scaling behavior of the compounds are described within the framework of the theory of fermion condensation quantum phase transition (FCQPT). Upon reading the book, the reader finds that HF compounds with quite different microscopic nature exhibit the same non-Fermi liquid behavior, while the data collected on very different HF systems have a universal scaling behavior, and these compounds are unexpectedly uniform despite their diversity. For the reader's convenience, the analysis of compounds is carried out in the context of salient experimental results. The numerous calculations of the non-Fermi liquid behavior, thermodynamic, relaxation and transport properties, being in good agreement with experimental facts, offer the reader solid grounds to learn the theory's applications. Finally, the reader will learn that FCQPT develops unexpectedly simple, yet completely good description of HF compounds.
Lie Groups, Geometry, and Representation Theory
Victor G. Kac, Vladimir L. Popov
- Birkhäuser
- 12 Décembre 2018
- 9783030021917
This volume, dedicated to the memory of the great American mathematician Bertram Kostant (May 24, 1928 - February 2, 2017), is a collection of 19 invited papers by leading mathematicians working in Lie theory, representation theory, algebra, geometry, and mathematical physics. Kostant's fundamental work in all of these areas has provided deep new insights and connections, and has created new fields of research.
This volume features the only published articles of important recent results of the contributors with full details of their proofs. Key topics include:Poisson structures and potentials (A. Alekseev, A. Berenstein, B. Hoffman)
Vertex algebras (T. Arakawa, K. Kawasetsu)
Modular irreducible representations of semisimple Lie algebras (R. Bezrukavnikov, I. Losev)
Asymptotic Hecke algebras (A. Braverman, D. Kazhdan)
Tensor categories and quantum groups (A. Davydov, P. Etingof, D. Nikshych)
Nil-Hecke algebras and Whittaker D-modules (V. Ginzburg)
Toeplitz operators (V. Guillemin, A. Uribe, Z. Wang)
Kashiwara crystals (A. Joseph)
Characters of highest weight modules (V. Kac, M. Wakimoto)
Alcove polytopes (T. Lam, A. Postnikov)
Representation theory of quantized Gieseker varieties (I. Losev)
Generalized Bruhat cells and integrable systems (J.-H. Liu, Y. Mi)Almost characters (G. Lusztig)
Verlinde formulas (E. Meinrenken)
Dirac operator and equivariant index (P.-É. Paradan, M. Vergne)
Modality of representations and geometry of ?-groups (V. L. Popov)
Distributions on homogeneous spaces (N. Ressayre)
Reduction of orthogonal representations (J.-P. Serre)